Google Code Jam Archive — Round 1C 2022 problems


Round 1C started with Letter Blocks which had contestants trying to stack towers of blocks into one megatower while adhearing to certain guidelines. Next, Squary tested contestants' mathematical skills as they tried to make a list of numbers "squary". Finally, Intranets truly put contestants to the test and had an extremely hard Test Set 2 asking for the probability that a network using a suboptimal routing algorithm would be broken up into a certain number of sub-networks.

The first perfect score took just over an hour, which was longer than both of the other Round 1s. This gave Laurie666 first place in the round. VArtem and square1001 came in second and third place, respectively. Ultimately, 8 coders managed a perfect score. The unofficial cutoff to advance to Round 2 is 34 points.

This wraps up our Round 1s for the year. We'll finalize the results in the coming days. In the meantime, you can keep improving your skills by practicing on this round's or any past round's problems in the archive.

If you placed in the top 1500, we will see you again in about 2 weeks as you join 3000 participants coming from the other Round 1s to compete in Round 2. Don't forget to check your local time in the schedule page. If you didn't earn enough points to advance, we hope you had a wonderful time with our first 14 problems of the year. You are invited to follow along for the rest of the season, and we hope to see you again next year!


Letter Blocks: Written and prepared by Yeabkal Wubshit.

Squary: Written by Onufry Wojtaszczyk. Prepared by Petr Mitrichev and Swapnil Gupta.

Intranets: Written by Yui Hosaka. Prepared by Mahmoud Ezzat.

Solutions and other problem preparation and review by Abhilash Tayade, Aditya Mishra, Akul Siddalingaswamy, Anushi Maheshwari, Arjun Sanjeev, Chu-ling Ko, Hsin-Yi Wang, Ian Tullis, Ikumi Hide, Liang Bai, Mahmoud Ezzat, Md Mahbubul Hasan, Mohammad Abu Aboud, Nour Yosri, Pablo Heiber, Priyam Khandelwal, Ritesh Kumar, Shantam Agarwal, Timothy Buzzelli, Ulises Mendez Martinez, Yan Li, Yang Xiao, Yeabkal Wubshit, and Yui Hosaka.

Analysis authors:

  • Letter Blocks: Jakub Kuczkowiak.
  • Squary: Arjun Sanjeev.
  • Intranets: Dafeng Xu and Yui Hosaka.

A. Letter Blocks


It is a rainy day, so you are indoors building towers of letter blocks. A letter block is a wooden cube that has a letter printed on one of its sides. The font used for the letters makes the blocks have a clear orientation: that is, there is only one side that can be pointed down (toward the floor) and one side that can be pointed up (toward the ceiling).

You have built multiple separate towers so far. Now you want to combine all of them into a single megatower by choosing one of your towers as the base, then picking up another tower (without changing the order of its blocks) and stacking the whole thing on top of that, and so on, until all towers have been used.

As an additional constraint for the megatower, for any two blocks that have the same letter, all blocks between them must also have that letter. That is, each letter of the alphabet that appears in the megatower needs to appear in one contiguous group (of one or more blocks).

For example, consider the following three possible megatowers. (These are separate examples, not built from the same original towers. Also note that the different block sizes are just for fun and are not part of the problem.)

Towers of ABCCC, AAA, and ACBCC.

The leftmost two megatowers are valid, since each letter appears in a contiguous group. However, the rightmost megatower is not valid, because there is a B in between two Cs.

Given the towers that you have built so far, can you stack them all up into a valid megatower?


The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each test case is described by two lines. The first line consists of a single integer N, the number of towers that are currently built. The second line consists of N strings S1,S2,,SN representing the towers. Each of these strings consists of only uppercase letters. The i-th letter of each of these strings is the letter on the i-th block from the bottom in the represented tower.


For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y, where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is a string representing a valid megatower as described above, or the word IMPOSSIBLE if no valid megatower can be built. (Notice that the string IMPOSSIBLE can never itself represent a valid megatower, since the two Is have other letters in between.)


Time limit: 5 seconds.
Memory limit: 1 GB.
1 the length of Si10, for all i.

Test Set 1 (Visible Verdict)


Test Set 2 (Visible Verdict)



Sample Input
content_copy Copied!
Sample Output
content_copy Copied!

In Sample Case #1, JAMMICCODEEELZZZZZ and ZZZZZJAMMICCODEEEL are the only two valid outputs.

In Sample Case #2, recall that all towers must be used in the megatower, so even though the first five towers together would form a valid megatower (as in Sample Case #1), the additional EEK makes the case impossible. No matter how the EEL and EEK towers are stacked relative to each other, there will be at least two non-contiguous groups of Es.

In Sample Case #3, no matter how you stack the towers, either the two Os are not contiguous or the two Ys are not contiguous.

In Sample Case #4, there are non-H letters in between the Hs of HASH, so this case is also impossible.

In Sample Case #5, this answer is the only valid one. Also notice that the towers are not necessarily all distinct.

In Sample Case #6, no matter how you stack the towers, the two As cannot be contiguous.


Addition and squaring do not commute. That is, the square of the sum of all elements of a list of integers is not necessarily equal to the sum of the squares of those same elements. However, this is true for some lists; one example is [3,2,6], because (3+(2)+6)2=49=32+(2)2+62. Let us call these lists squary.

Image showing that (3 + (-2) + 6)^2 = 3^2 + (-2)^2 + 6^2.

Given a (not necessarily squary) list of relatively small integers, we want to know whether it is possible to add at least 1 and at most K more elements such that the final list is squary. Each added element must be an integer between 1018 and 1018, inclusive, and these do not have to be distinct from each other or from the initial list's elements.


The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each test case is described in two lines. The first line contains two integers N and K, the number of elements of the initial list and the maximum number of elements you may add, respectively. The second line contains N integers E1,E2,,EN, representing the N elements of the initial list.


For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y, where x is the test case number (starting from 1). If it is possible to add at least 1 and at most K elements (each an integer between 1018 and 1018, inclusive) to the initial list such that the square of the sum of its elements equals the sum of the squares of its elements, y should be z1 z2  zr, where 1rK and the zi values are the additional elements. If there is no way to accomplish this, y should be IMPOSSIBLE.


Memory limit: 1 GB.
1000Ei1000, for all i.

Test Set 1 (Visible Verdict)

Time limit: 5 seconds.


Test Set 2 (Visible Verdict)

Time limit: 10 seconds.


Note: there are additional samples that are not run on submissions down below.
Sample Input
content_copy Copied!
2 1
-2 6
2 1
-10 10
1 1
3 1
2 -2 2
Sample Output
content_copy Copied!
Case #1: 3
Case #3: -1000000000000000000
Case #4: 2

In Sample Case #1, we can end up with the example list given in the problem statement.

In Sample Case #2, we have to add exactly one element. If we call that element x, the sum of the entire list is x and its square is x2. The sum of the squares of all elements, on the other hand, is x2+102+(10)2=x2+200x2, so the case is impossible.

In Sample Case #3, any integer in the [1018,1018] range is a valid answer.

In Sample Case #4, notice that the input might contain duplicate elements, and that it is valid to create even more duplicates with the elements you choose to add.

Additional Sample - Test Set 2

The following additional sample fits the limits of Test Set 2. It will not be run against your submitted solutions.
Sample Input
content_copy Copied!
3 10
-2 3 6
6 2
-2 2 1 -2 4 -1
1 12
Sample Output
content_copy Copied!
Case #1: 0
Case #2: -1 15
Case #3: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

In Case #1 of the additional samples, we are given the example list from the problem statement, which is already squary, but we need to add at least one element to it. Adding a 0 keeps the list squary.

In Case #3 of the additional samples, we present one of multiple possible valid answers. Notice that it is permissible to add fewer than K elements; here K is 12 but we have only added 11 elements.

C. Intranets


Apricot Rules LLC is developing a new simplified networking protocol and wants to show off their routing algorithm. In their design, a network consists of M machines numbered from 1 to M, and each pair of machines is connected by a direct link. Each of the links is given a unique integer priority value between 1 and (M×(M1)/2) and each machine routes traffic according to those priorities.

Unfortunately, the routing algorithm is too aggressive and will route all traffic from a machine through the highest priority link connected to it. This may make some groups of machines isolated from others.

Formally, we say that a machine m uses a link if (and only if) is the highest priority link connected to m. We also say that a link is active if it is used by at least one of the two machines it connects. Given the link priorities, the original network becomes partitioned into disjoint intranets. Two machines belong to the same intranet if and only if there is some path between them using only active links.

Example with 2 intranets. Active edges are (1, 2) and (3, 4) with weights 6 and 5 respectively. Example with 1 intranet. Active edges are (1, 2), (2, 3), and (3, 4) with weights 6, 5, and 4 respectively.

For example, as seen in the left image above, only the links with priorities 6 and 5 are active. This creates two disjoint intranets. However, in the example on the right, three links are active, which results in one intranet consisting of all 4 machines.

As part of the quality assurance team at Apricot Rules LLC, you are investigating the extent of the problem. You are interested in knowing the probability of there being exactly K intranets if the priorities are assigned uniformly at random from among the (M×(M1)/2)! ways of doing so.


The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each test case is described in a single line containing two integers M and K: the number of machines and the target number of intranets, respectively.


For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y, where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is the sought probability computed modulo the prime 109+7 (1000000007), which is defined precisely as follows. Represent the probability as as an irreducible fraction p/q (with p and q being non-negative integers that minimize p+q). Then, y must equal pq1mod109+7⁠, where q1 is the modular multiplicative inverse of q with respect to the modulus 109+7. It can be shown that under the constraints of this problem, such a number y always exists and is unique.


Memory limit: 1 GB.

Test Set 1 (Visible Verdict)

Time limit: 20 seconds.

Test Set 2 (Hidden Verdict)

Time limit: 60 seconds.


Sample Input
content_copy Copied!
5 2
5 1
6 3
Sample Output
content_copy Copied!
Case #1: 428571432
Case #2: 571428576
Case #3: 47619048

In Sample Case #1, consider the following situation. Let's call M=5 machines 1,2,3,4,5 and denote the link connecting machine a and machine b by (a,b). Assume that the priorities of links (1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5),(3,4),(3,5),(4,5) are 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,10, respectively. Then machines 1 and 2 use link (1,2), machine 3 uses link (1,3), and machines 4 and 5 use link (4,5). Thus three links (1,2),(1,3),(4,5) are active, and there are two intranets {1,2,3} and {4,5}. Since K=2, this situation counts the answer.

Intranets sample case #1 example. 5 nodes with active edges (1, 2), (1, 3), and (4, 5) having weights 9, 8, and 10 respectively.

We can find that there are 1555200 ways to assign the priorities to have exactly 2 intranets among 10!=3628800 ways, so the probability is 3/7.

In Sample Case #2, the probability is 4/7.

In Sample Case #3, the probability is 1/21.

Analysis — A. Letter Blocks

Let us first notice that this problem is equivalent to finding an order in which partial strings should be concatanted such that occurrences of the same letter appear together.

Test Set 1

Since N is at most 6, the number of permutations of these strings is at most 6!=720.

We can therefore generate all permutations and for each of them we need to verify the final string which results of concatenating the input strings in that particular order.

Let us take a look at the string CCCABDAEEF. To verify the string it is enough to:

  • Get a set of letters: {A, B, C, D, E, F}
  • Create a grouped represantation of a string: "CABDAEF"
  • The string is good if and only if the lengths coincide.
  • If for at least one permutation the size matches, we can print out this string. Otherwise, it's impossible.

    The time complexity of this solution is O(N!×Ni=1|Si|), which means N! times the sum of the lengths of the input strings, because there are N! permutations and the verification of the final string takes linear time.

    Test Set 2

    In this test set N can be 100, so N! is too large to enumerate all permutations.

    First of all, we can verify that each of the strings Si meets the requirements from the task. This can be done by applying the verification method described in the section above for each Si individually. If the verification fails for one of the input strings, then it will certainly fail for any permutation of them and therefore we output IMPOSSIBLE.

    Let us call middle letters all letters other than the first and last consecutive segment of letters. Next, let us notice that if the string Si has more than 2 distinct letters, then:

  • If a letter is a middle letter in more than one input string, then those occurrences will not be together in the final string regardless of the order in which we concatenate them. Therefore, this case is impossible.
  • If the middle letters exist in a single input string, they don't influence the outcome as those occurrences will be together in the final string regardless of the order in which we concatenate. Therefore, in this case we can assume the input string is simply two letters long removing everything except the first and last letter of it.
  • Therefore, for each middle letter we can count in how many strings it appears and if the answer is more than 1 for any of them, we can print out IMPOSSIBLE.

    Since we also verified each string already, we know that each letter appears only in 1 block inside each Si.

    After this step the problem is now simplified into strings of two forms:

  • X: Represents the string consisting of only one block of letter X.
  • XY: Reperesents the string starting with a block of X letters and ending with a block of Y letters.
  • If there are two strings of the form X for the same letter, we can concatenate them as they can't be separated by other strings in the final solution. If there are two strings of the form X1Y1 and X2Y2, then the answer is IMPOSSIBLE if X1=X2 (due to Y1) or Y1=Y2 (due to X2), because it means that in any ordering, there would be at least one block of a different letter between letters X1 and Y1.

    Therefore for each string Si, we can create the following mappings using sets:

  • If Si is of the form X, then insert Si into single[X].
  • If Si is of the form XY, then insert Si into both starts[X] and ends[X].
  • In other words, single[X], starts[X] and ends[X] must all contain exactly 1 element for each letter X. If the element already exists, we return IMPOSSIBLE.

    Starting string

    Let us consider starting string as the input string which is not forced by any previous strings in the final answer. When can the given string Si be a starting string?

  • If Si is of the form X, then there must be no other strings ending with letter X, i.e. ends[X]=Si.
  • If Si is of the form XY, then starts[X]=Si and ends[X]=null and single[X]=null.
  • With these two conditions, we consider a set of candidates C containing all such starting strings.

    Extending the block

    Let us consider we already built the partial answer A which ends with letter c. If there exists a string at single[c], it is the last chance to append it, because otherwise it would be separated by at least one block of another letter. Similarly, if there exists a string at starts[c], we must extend it now for the same reason.

    How to choose the starting string?

    It turns out that for starting a new block, we can choose an arbitrary candidate from the candidates set.

    Proof: Let us assume that we picked string Si as the starting string but the optimal solution started the block with Sj. Let us consider the swapped optimal solution in which we swap these blocks.

    Let Si start with letter a and Sj with letter b. Then:

  • Optimal = |b..X|a....Y|
  • Optimal (swapped) = |a....Y|b..X|
  • Let us consider what happens after swapping:

  • Middle letters of these blocks: Any letters between b and a can't be after a and any letters after a can't be before a. Therefore after swap they also remain fine.
  • Letters b: Optimal solution can't have any b letters after a. Therefore this swap is okay.
  • Letters a: Since Si belongs to the candidate set, therefore ends[a]=Si or ends[a]=null. It means, that there are either no strings ending in a or Si is the only string ending with a. Therefore X can't end with a and the swap remains correct.
  • Final solution


  • 1. Pick an arbitrary string from the candidate's set and start the block with it.
  • 2. Let e = last letter of the current solution. If starts[e] != null, add starts[e] to current solution and repeat step 2. Otherwise goto step 1.
  • 3. If candidate's set is empty, print solution. Otherwise, print IMPOSSIBLE.
  • Time complexity: O(N×Ni=1|Si|), since we are touching each candidate only once.

    Test Data
    info We recommend that you practice debugging solutions without looking at the test data.

    Analysis — B. Squary

    The multinomial expansion for the power of 2 is the key to solving this problem. The expansion of the square of the sum of elements X1,X2,,Xn in the list X looks like:

    square of sum=(X1+X2+X3++XN)2=X21+X22+X23++X2N+2X1X2+2X2X3+2X1X3++2XN1XN=sum of squares+2sum of pairwise products

    Let S(X) be the sum of elements, SQ(X) be the sum of squares of elements, and SP(X) be the sum of all pairwise products of elements of the list X. We can now rewrite the above equation as:


    We can also observe the following about how the above values change when an additional element n is added to the list X: S(X+[n])=S(X)+nSQ(X+[n])=SQ(X)+n2SP(X+[n])=SP(X)+nS(X)

    Our task is to achieve S(E)2=SQ(E), where E is the extended list that we get by adding extra elements to E. In other words, we want to make SP(E)=0.

    Test Set 1: K=1

    If we are allowed only a single addition, we must choose an element n such that SP(E+[n])=0. SP(E+[n])=0SP(E)+nS(E)=0nS(E)=SP(E) If S(E)0, we can get a squary list whenever SP(E)/S(E) is an integer, which happens if and only if S(E) divides SP(E). In that case, SP(E)/S(E) is our answer.

    If S(E)=0, then S(E+[n])=n. Since we want S(E+[n])2=SQ(E+[n]), we need SQ(E+[n])=n2. This is possible only if SQ(E)=0, that is, if all elements in E are zeros. In this case, we can choose any value as our answer. But if any element in E is not zero, it is impossible to get a squary list with only one addition.

    Test Set 2: K>1

    At first, the search space might seem hopelessly broad here. But we can observe (or surmise and then confirm) that it is always possible to get a squary list by adding only two elements:

    • n1=1S(E)
    • n2=SP(E+[n1])

    After adding n1, we have S(E+[n1])=1 After adding n2, we have SP(E+[n1,n2])=SP(E+[n1])+n2S(E+[n1])=SP(E+[n1])+(SP(E+[n1]))1=0 Thus, the two numbers satisfy the condition SP(E)=0. We can also see that since the numbers in the original list are each of magnitude no greater than 103, |n1|106+1, and |n2|21012, both well within the limits.

    Test Data
    info We recommend that you practice debugging solutions without looking at the test data.

    Analysis — C. Intranets

    We use terminology for graphs. The vertices are the M machines and the edges are the (M2) links.

    Test Set 1

    Let's consider the process of assigning priorities to the edges one by one, from the highest priority to the lowest. For simpicity, we number the i-th highest priority as priority i so that the smaller the number, the higher the priority.

    Suppose we have assigned the highest i priorities to i edges, and we need to assign the priority (i+1) to a new edge. How can we do?

    We have three types of choices. Suppose the new edge with the priority (i+1) is (u,v). Let Si be the set of vertices that the edges with highest i priorities connect with.

    1. If the vertices u and v don't occur in the previously assigned edges. I.e. uSi,vSi, the number of such edges is (M|Si|2). In this case, u and v form a new intranet. So, the number of intranets increase by 1, and |Si+1| equals |Si|+2.
    2. If uSi,vSi, the number of such edges is |Si|(M|Si|). In this case, v joins the intranet in which u is located. So, the number of intranets does not change, and |Si+1| equals |Si|+1.
    3. If uSi,vSi, the number of such edges is (|Si|2)i. In this case, the edge is not activated. So, the number of intranets do not change, and |Si+1| equals |Si|.

    Then, we can use a dynamic programming approach to solve Test Set 1. Let dp(i,j,k) denote the probability that we assign the highest i priorities to the edges, the set of vertices introduced by these i edges has the size of j, and k intranets have been formed. The transition function can be deduced from the discussion above. The time complexity is O(M4) and it is enough to pass Test Set 1.

    We can speed this up to O(M2) by dropping i from the keys. Let dp(j,k) denote the probability that after assigning the highest i priorities for some i, the set of vertices introduced by these i edges has the size of j, and k intranets have been formed. The transition is to assign the highest priority among the edges of the types 1 and 2 above. The probability of there being a new intranet is (M|Si|2)(M|Si|2)+|Si|(M|Si|) as we are no longer interested in priorities of the edges of the type 3 above.

    Observing the graph

    From the solution for Test Set 1, we see that each intranet corresponds to a pair of vertices (u,v) such that both u and v activate the edge (u,v). This fact can also be proved directly, and we describe here.

    Let's fix an assignment of priorities and consider the directed graph where the vertices are the machines and the edges are (u,v) such that machine u uses the links connecting machines u and v. Since this graph is a functional graph (each vertex has outdegree 1), each connected component contains exactly one cycle (and possibly some chains of nodes leading into the cycle).

    A crucial observation is that the length of a cycle cannot be 3 or more. Assume the contrary: that vertices u1,,uc (c3) form a cycle in this order, and let the priority of the link connecting ui and ui+1 be pi (indices are modulo c). Note that those links are distinct. Since machine ui uses the link with highest priority, we have pi<pi1. This gives us p1>p2>>pc>p1, a contradiction. As a self loop is also impossible, we conclude that every cycle in the graph has length 2.

    Test Set 2

    Let's call the set of edges activated by both of their endpoints an active matching as they form a matching. Now the problem is to compute the probability that the size of the active matching is exactly K.

    For a matching X, let f(X) be the probability that the active matching is X. Since it is not easy to compute f(X) directly, we apply inclusion‐exclusion principle technique and so let g(X) be the probability that the active matching contains X, that is, g(X)=YXf(Y). By inverting this, we have f(X)=YX(1)|Y||X|g(Y). Our answer is then calculated as follows: |X|=Kf(X)=|X|=KYX(1)|Y||X|g(Y)=|Y|K(|Y|K)(1)|Y|Kg(Y)=iK(iK)(1)iK|X|=ig(X)

    All that remains is to compute g(X). Of course, this depends only on |X|, and we want to compute it when |X|=i, for each i=K,K+1,,M. There are i! possible orders of priorities assigned to X. Let's fix one of them and let the edges in X be (u1,v1),(u2,v2),,(ui,vi) from the lowest priority to the highest. Then the condition that the active matching contains X is equivalent to, for each j=1,2,,i, edge (uj,vj) has the highest priority among edges touching at least one of u1,v1,,uj,vj. Hence we have g(X)=i!ij=11(M2)(M2j2).

    Here we note that the denominators can be factorized to see that they are not divisible by 109+7. The number matchings of size i is 1i!2iM!(M2i)!, and this completes the O(M) time solution (the divisions can be done efficient by using the factorization, though this is not necessary).

    In fact, we can find the answers for K=1,,M2 at the same time in O(MlogM) time: The transformation from g to f can be represented by a convolution and we can use FFT.

    Test Data
    info We recommend that you practice debugging solutions without looking at the test data.

    Statistics — A. Letter Blocks

    Statistics — B. Squary

    Statistics — C. Intranets