The first of our three Round 1s got off to a quick start: sourspinach submitted the last of six datasets a mere 19 minutes and 31 seconds into the round! sourspinach had a 4 minute penalty from an Incorrect Small submission, though, and was passed by nika (21:06, no penalties) for first place. The fast pace continued throughout the round.
The Last Word has a simple greedy approach. Rank and File becomes quite simple if you have one key observation; of course, having that observation may not be so simple! BFFs is a more complex graph problem that requires some thought and careful implementation; nonetheless, 1,055 contestants successfully solved all datasets correctly!
An impressive 10,047 competitors got at least one dataset right, which explains the huge number of perfect scores. To be in the top 1000, you needed a perfect score and a little bit of speed. However, there are two more chances to qualify for round 2!Emails with the final verdict will go out soon, at least one day before Round 1B.
The top 1000 contestants in this round advance to Round 2. If you weren't in the top 1000, you still have a chance to advance in Round 1B or Round 1C; see the schedule.
Problem A (The Last Word): Written and prepared by Karol Pokorski.
Problem B (Rank and File): Written by Ian Tullis. Prepared by Yiming Li and Ian Tullis.
Problem C (BFFs): Written by Pablo Heiber. Prepared by Pablo Heiber and Karol Pokorski.
Solutions and other problem preparation and review by Minh Doan, Jackson Gatenby, Taman (Muhammed) Islam, Sean Lip, Igor Naverniouk, Nathan Pinsker, and Yerzhan Utkelbayev.
Analysis authors:
On the game show The Last Word, the host begins a round by showing the contestant a string S of uppercase English letters. The contestant has a whiteboard which is initially blank. The host will then present the contestant with the letters of S, one by one, in the order in which they appear in S. When the host presents the first letter, the contestant writes it on the whiteboard; this counts as the first word in the game (even though it is only one letter long). After that, each time the host presents a letter, the contestant must write it at the beginning or the end of the word on the whiteboard before the host moves on to the next letter (or to the end of the game, if there are no more letters).
For example, for S = CAB
, after writing the word
on the whiteboard, the contestant could make one of the
following four sets of choices:
before C
to form AC
, then
put the B
before AC
to form BAC
before C
to form AC
, then
put the B
after AC
to form ACB
after C
to form CA
, then
put the B
before CA
to form BCA
after C
to form CA
, then
put the B
after CA
to form CAB
The word is called the last word when the contestant finishes writing
all of the letters from S, under the given rules. The contestant wins
the game if their last word is the last of an alphabetically sorted list of all
of the possible last words that could have been produced. For the example
above, the winning last word is CAB
(which happens to be the
same as the original word). For a game with S = JAM
, the
winning last word is MJA
You are the next contestant on this show, and the host has just showed you the string S. What's the winning last word that you should produce?
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each consists of one line with a string S.
For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y
, where
is the test case number (starting from 1) and y
the winning last word, as described in the statement.
Time limit: 20 seconds per test set.
Memory limit: 1 GB.
1 ≤ T ≤ 100.
1 ≤ length of S ≤ 15.
1 ≤ length of S ≤ 1000.
Case #1: CAB Case #2: MJA Case #3: OCDE Case #4: BBAAA Case #5: CCCABBBAB Case #6: CCCBAABAB Case #7: ZXCASDQWE
When Sergeant Argus's army assembles for drilling, they stand in the shape of an N by N square grid, with exactly one soldier in each cell. Each soldier has a certain height.
Argus believes that it is important to keep an eye on all of his soldiers at all times. Since he likes to look at the grid from the upper left, he requires that:
Although no two soldiers in the same row or column may have the same height, it is possible for multiple soldiers in the grid to have the same height.
Since soldiers sometimes train separately with their row or their column, Argus has asked you to make a report consisting of 2*N lists of the soldiers' heights: one representing each row (in left-to-right order) and column (in top-to-bottom order). As you surveyed the soldiers, you only had small pieces of paper to write on, so you wrote each list on a separate piece of paper. However, on your way back to your office, you were startled by a loud bugle blast and you dropped all of the pieces of paper, and the wind blew one away before you could recover it! The other pieces of paper are now in no particular order, and you can't even remember which lists represent rows and which represent columns, since you didn't write that down.
You know that Argus will make you do hundreds of push-ups if you give him an incomplete report. Can you figure out what the missing list is?
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each consists of one line with an integer N, followed by 2*N-1 lines of N integers each, representing the lists you have, as described in the statement. It is guaranteed that these lists represent all but one of the rows and columns from a valid grid, as described in the statement.
For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y
, where
is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is a list of
N integers in strictly increasing order, representing the missing list.
Time limit: 20 seconds per test set.
Memory limit: 1 GB.
1 ≤ T ≤ 50.
1 ≤ all heights ≤ 2500.
The integers on each line will be in strictly increasing order.
It is guaranteed that a unique valid answer exists.
2 ≤ N ≤ 10.
2 ≤ N ≤ 50.
1 3 1 2 3 2 3 5 3 5 6 2 3 4 1 2 3
Case #1: 3 4 6
In the sample case, the arrangement must be either this:
1 2 3
2 3 4
3 5 6
or this:
1 2 3
2 3 5
3 4 6
In either case, the missing list is 3 4 6
You are a teacher at the brand new Little Coders kindergarten. You have N kids in your class, and each one has a different student ID number from 1 through N. Every kid in your class has a single best friend forever (BFF), and you know who that BFF is for each kid. BFFs are not necessarily reciprocal -- that is, B being A's BFF does not imply that A is B's BFF.
Your lesson plan for tomorrow includes an activity in which the participants must sit in a circle. You want to make the activity as successful as possible by building the largest possible circle of kids such that each kid in the circle is sitting directly next to their BFF, either to the left or to the right. Any kids not in the circle will watch the activity without participating.
What is the greatest number of kids that can be in the circle?
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each test case consists of two lines. The first line of a test case contains a single integer N, the total number of kids in the class. The second line of a test case contains N integers F1, F2, ..., FN, where Fi is the student ID number of the BFF of the kid with student ID i.
For each test case, output one line containing "Case #x: y", where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is the maximum number of kids in the group that can be arranged in a circle such that each kid in the circle is sitting next to his or her BFF.
Time limit: 20 seconds per test set.
Memory limit: 1 GB.
1 ≤ T ≤ 100.
1 ≤ Fi ≤ N, for all i.
Fi ≠ i, for all i. (No kid is their own BFF.)
3 ≤ N ≤ 10.
3 ≤ N ≤ 1000.
4 4 2 3 4 1 4 3 3 4 1 4 3 3 4 3 10 7 8 10 10 9 2 9 6 3 3
Case #1: 4 Case #2: 3 Case #3: 3 Case #4: 6
7 9 3 10 4 1
. (Any reflection or rotation of this
circle would also work.) Note that the kid with student ID 1 is next to the kid with student ID 7,
as required, because the list represents a circle.
In the Small dataset, there will be at most 15 letters in S. At each step of the game, we are given a letter to add to either the front or the back of the current word. The number of possible words after adding the i-th letter (during step i) is at most twice the number of possible words after step i-1, since we have two choices of where to add the new letter. This means that the number of possible last words that can be made from all of the letters is at most 215. We can generate each of these possible last words and find which one comes last alphabetically.
Here is one way of doing this in Python:
def alphabetically_last_word(S): possible_words = set(['']) for c in S: possible_words = set([c + r for r in possible_words] + [r + c for r in possible_words]) return max(possible_words)
The approach in the previous paragraph is too slow for the Large dataset, and so some additional observations are required. During step i, we are adding a single new letter Si to the front or the back of our current word Xi-1, yielding a new word Xi = Xi-1Si or Xi = SiXi-1. To have the end result be as alphabetically late as possible, it is always better to have Xi be as alphabetically late as possible as well. We can show this formally: during every step of the process that produces the alphabetically latest answer, after i letters have been chosen, our string Xi should be the alphabetically latest substring that we can produce from the first i letters of S under the given rules.
Assume we are at the i-th step, and we can either add the new letter Si at the beginning or the end of Xi-1. Let Yi be the alphabetically earlier of SiXi-1 and Xi-1Si, and Zi be the alphabetically later of the two. Suppose that Yi were the optimal choice at this step. Then we could write our last word as AYiB for some A and B. We could instead choose Zi and insert the letters during future steps in the same way to yield AZiB as the last word. No matter what the values of A and B are, it is always true that AZiB comes no alphabetically earlier than AYiB, because Zi comes no alphabetically earlier than Yi. This means that any word using Yi can be turned into a word that is at least as late in alphabetical order by substituting Zi at this step instead. It follows that choosing Zi is always correct.
This means that our Xi must be the alphabetically latest of Xi-1Si and SiXi-1. Therefore, when we add Si to Xi-1, we only need to check whether putting Si in the front or putting Si in the back would produce the alphabetically latest string.
Here is some simple Python code that implements the optimized procedure:
def alphabetically_last_word(S): result = '' for c in S: result = max(c + result, result + c) return result
Note that the solutions for the Small and Large datasets are very similar. The only difference is that the solution to the Large recognizes which one of the possible words that can be formed at each step will necessarily be part of the optimal last word. Instead of keeping an amount of information that may grow exponentially with the number of steps in the game, the code for the Large keeps track of a single string at each step, allowing it to run much faster and use less memory. The presented solution for the Small dataset requires exponential time and memory, whereas the presented solution for the Large dataset requires only polynomial time and memory.
Another way to think about this is that the max
operation commutes
with the set-building step inside the code for the Small, allowing us to keep
the maximum at each step rather than computing the maximum at the end. This
observation shows a path for extending a solution that solves the Small dataset
into the one we explained that can also solve the Large dataset. (Check out
"A possible stepping stone..." in
this essay.)
A natural first approach is to reconstruct the grid by brute force: try all ways of assigning the lines to the rows and columns until the lines all overlap perfectly, with no conflicts. But as we get into later rounds of Code Jam, pure brute force becomes less likely to work for every Small dataset! In this case, with N = 10, we can have up to 19 lines that we must turn into a 10 x 10 array. Trying all 20! = about 2.4 * 1018 ways of assigning those 19 lines (plus the one empty line that we need to figure out) to the 20 rows and columns would just take too long, and Sergeant Argus isn't going to give us that much time.
Here's one approach that takes advantage of the unusual properties of the grid. Let's continue with our 19-line case. We'll assume (without loss of generality) that the grid has a column missing. In that case, our grid has 10 rows. We can try all 19 choose 10 = 19! / (10! * 9!) = 92378 ways of choosing ten of our lines to call the "rows". But what order should they go in? Well, we know that the values in the first column, like the values in any other column, must be in strictly increasing order. If any two of the "rows" that we've chosen begin with the same number, then we must not have chosen the right set, and we can move on. Otherwise, we know exactly how to order them, so we already have a complete potential grid! Then we can just check the 10 columns to see if 9 of them match the 9 lines we didn't use in this set. If they do, then the remaining line is the answer.
With up to 99 lines, the approach above won't work: 99 choose 50 is roughly 5 * 1028.
It is possible to write a solution that reconstructs such a large grid. But it turns out that we don't need to frame the problem that way at all! We haven't fully taken advantage of the fact that we're only asked for the missing row or column, not for the entire grid.
In a complete set of lists of rows and columns of a grid, every cell of the grid appears twice: once in the list for the row it is in, and once in the list for the column it is in. There may be multiple copies of the same number in the grid, but we can still say that every number appears an even number of times in total within that complete set of lists.
But what about our input set of lists, which is missing the list for one row or column? All of the numbers in that missing list are different, and each of them appears one time fewer in the input than it would in the complete set of lists. This means that all of those numbers appear an odd number of times in our input. Moreover, they are the only numbers that appear an odd number of times in our input!
Therefore, we don't need to build a grid at all. All we need to do is look through all the numbers in all the lists and see which N of them appear an odd number of times; those are the numbers in our missing row/column. We can put them in the order they must go in (strictly increasing), and then we have our answer. And we haven't even done a single push-up!
The Small dataset has a pretty low limit of 10 kids. That allows us to try every possible arrangement and check which ones would make valid circles (circles in which every kid is next to their BFF). For every possible subset of kids and every possible circular ordering of them, check that for every kid at least one of their neighbors is a BFF, and if that is the case, update a running global maximum if it is greater than the size of the circle we just checked.
There are a number of small but powerful optimizations to this approach. Notice that the permutations of a subset of kids S always appear as a prefix of the permutations of any other subset of kids that includes S. Moreover, the only difference in BFF checking is what we do for the first and last kid. So, we can just check all the permutations of N kids and consider whether each prefix forms a valid circle, and that accounts for all permutations of all subsets while reducing the number of total checks substantially. Note that some subsets are checked multiple times, but that is unimportant, as long as the procedure runs in the allotted time.
There are other possible optimizations, but this is more than enough. The following Python code implements the approach outlined above:
import itertools
# The F parameter is the list of BFF identifiers, but 0-based (subtracting 1 from the input).
def cc(F):
n = len(F)
r = 0
# Iterate over all possible orderings of the n kids.
for O in itertools.permutations(xrange(n)):
first = O[0]
second = O[1]
for i in xrange(1, n): # Iterate over the permutation, skipping the first.
# Check if i can be the last one by checking it and the first.
prev = O[i - 1]
cur = O[i]
if ((F[cur] == first or F[cur] == prev) and
(F[first] == cur or F[first] == second)):
r = max(r, i + 1)
# Check if i can be in the middle, and stop if it can't.
if F[cur] != prev and (i == n - 1 or F[cur] != O[i + 1]):
return r
Of course, a simple brute force approach, even with many additional optimizations, will not be fast enough for the Large dataset. Let's examine the input more closely. It is actually a function BFF that maps each kid to another kid. We can represent this function with a graph where the nodes are kids and the edges go from each kid to that kid's BFF. As you can see from the linked article, this type of graph has a particular property: each connected component is made up of a directed cycle and branches of nodes with the edges directed towards the cycle. To visualize it better, if we compressed the cycle into a single node, we would obtain a tree with all the edges pointing towards the root. Here's an important fact that will come up a lot: each connected component contains exactly one cycle.
Now that we have examined the input a bit, let's examine the output, or, better yet, let's examine the form of a valid circle. It must contain at least one kid k1. It must also contain k1's BFF, k2, who must be sitting next to k1. And k2's BFF k3 (who might or might not be k1), and so on. The BFF of the BFF of the BFF ... of k1 must be in the circle. In terms of the graph we mentioned above, we are starting on the node representing the first kid k1, and moving through the edges. Therefore, we will eventually end up cycling through the cycle in k1's connected component. (That cycle may or may not include k1.) This a second important property: for any connected component containing at least one kid who is in the circle, all of the kids in that component's cycle must be in the circle..
Consider a connected component with a cycle of more than 2 kids. If we put that cycle in the circle, there is no room for anyone else, as the cycle already forces the two neighbors of each kid. So, one possibility is that the final circle consists entirely of a single cycle from the graph.
Since nobody is their own BFF, there are no cycles with just 1 kid. If we consider a connected component with a cycle of exactly 2 kids l and r, the situation is different. We can sit l and r together, and we already know they are both happy, and we have room on l's left and r's right (or vice versa, but it is equivalent) to seat more kids. We could choose anybody, even from another component. However, we want the maximum number of kids, so we might as well choose an l1 whose BFF is l to sit next to l (if there exists such an l1). l1 is already happy, so can choose an l2 whose BFF is l1 and sit it next to l1. And we can continue this process. We can build a chain of kids to l's left following the edges of the graph in reverse, and similarly, we can build a chain of kids on r's right. When we are done, having added zero or more kids to each side, we have a line of kids from the same component that are all happy, so we can continue to add kids from other components right next to them!
To summarize the previous paragraph, we can build a chain of kids from each component with a cycle of length 2 (we already showed that cycles longer than that do not allow chains to be added). Since we want to construct the largest possible chain, we take the longest chain from each component with a cycle of length 2, and put them all together. That is, we sum their lengths as a possible final result to be compared with the largest cycle from the first case.
The following image illustrates the previous paragraph. On the left, a graph with three separate connected components is displayed. Red nodes are nodes in the cycles of each component. From the component with a cycle of length 4, we can build a circle (which we've shown on the right side of the image) but not add anything else. However, we can build a chain from each component with a cycle of length 2. Marked in green and orange are optimal choices for a chain on each side, and on the right you can see the circle of kids with the arrows indicating their BFFs at their side. You can see here how the cycles of length 2 allow us to add more kids, even including different connected components of the graph in the same circle, whereas longer cycles don't leave room for anyone else.
It is easy to find the connected components and their cycles using DFS or a number of other ways that we leave up to the reader to find and choose. There are also a number of ways to find the longest chains on each side of each cycle of length 2, that we also leave up to the reader. Notice that the process on each side is really similar to finding the height of a tree.