Over X contestants competed in our third Code Jam to I/O for Women. More stats and commentary go here, to be added day-of.
We hope to see all of you again in next year's Code Jam to I/O for Women contest! In the meantime, we hope that you'll participate in Google Code Jam 2016, which starts in less than a month!
Problem A (Cody's Jams): Written and prepared by Pablo Heiber.
Problem B (Dance Around the Clock): Written and prepared by Ian Tullis.
Problem C (Polynesiaglot): Written by Chieu Nguyen. Prepared by Pablo Heiber and Ian Tullis.
Problem D (Password Security): Written by Ian Tullis. Prepared by Pablo Heiber and Ian Tullis.
Solutions and other problem preparation and review by Joachim Bartosik, Minh Doan, Jackson Gatenby, Pablo Heiber, Taman (Muhammed) Islam, Timothy Loh, Lauren Mancino, Igor Naverniouk, Daniel Ploch, Ian Tullis, Yerzhan Utkelbayev, and Onufry Wojtaszczyk.
Contest analysis by Pablo Heiber and Ian Tullis.
Cody, the owner of the legendary Cody's Jams store, is planning a huge jam sale. To make things simple, he has decided to sell every item in his store at a 25% discount — that is, each item's sale price is exactly 75% of its regular price. Since all of his regular prices happened to be integers divisible by four, his sale prices are conveniently also all integers.
To prepare for the sale, he placed an order to print new labels for all of his items at their sale prices. He also placed an order to print new labels for all of his items at their regular prices, to use once the sale is over.
Cody just came back from picking up his order. Unfortunately, the printer gave him both orders in one combined stack, sorted by price. Both the sale price and the regular price label for each item are present somewhere in the stack. However, both types of labels look the same, and since he does not remember the price of every item, he is not sure which labels are the sale price labels. Can you figure that out?
For instance, if the regular prices were 20, 80, and 100, the sale prices would be 15, 60, and 75, and the printer's stack would consist of the labels 15, 20, 60, 75, 80, and 100.
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each test case consists of two lines. The first line contains a single integer N, the number of items in Cody's store. The second line contains 2N integers P1, P2, ..., P2N in non-decreasing order by the price printed on each label given by the printer.
For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y
, where
is the test case number (starting from 1) and y
a list of N integers: the labels containing sale prices, in
non-decreasing order.
1 ≤ T ≤ 100.
Time limit: 20 seconds per test set.
Memory limit: 1GB.
1 ≤ Pi ≤ 109, for all i.
Pi ≤ Pi+1, for all i. (The prices are in
non-decreasing order.)
It is guaranteed that a unique solution exists.
1 ≤ N ≤ 4.
1 ≤ N ≤ 100.
Input |
Output |
2 3 15 20 60 75 80 100 4 9 9 12 12 12 15 16 20 |
Case #1: 15 60 75 Case #2: 9 9 12 15 |
Case #1 is the one described in the problem statement.
Notice in Case #2 that it is possible for multiple items to have the same price, and for an item to have a regular price that equals the sale price of another item.
The owner of a prestigious ballroom has painted a beautiful circular clock on the dance floor, and a group of D dancers numbered 1 through D are about to literally "dance around the clock". They are standing in a circle, with dancer 1 at the 12:00 position of the circle and the other dancers going clockwise around the circle in increasing numerical order. The number of dancers is even.
The dance will go on for N turns. On the i-th turn (counting starting from 1), the following will happen:
For example, this diagram shows the initial state and two turns of a dance with eight people.
Which two dancers will be next to dancer number K when the dance is over?
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each consists of one line with three integers D, K, and N: the total number of dancers, the number of one of the dancers, and the number of turns the dance will go on for.
For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y z
, where:
is the test case number (starting from 1).
is the number of the dancer who will be standing to dancer
number K's left (that is, one step away in clockwise order) when the
dance is over.
is the number of the dancer who will be standing to dancer
number K's right (that is, one step away in counterclockwise order)
when the dance is over.
1 ≤ T ≤ 100.
Time limit: 20 seconds per test set.
Memory limit: 1GB.
D is even.
1 ≤ K ≤ D.
4 ≤ D ≤ 10.
1 ≤ N ≤ 10.
4 ≤ D ≤ 108.
1 ≤ N ≤ 108.
Input |
Output |
3 8 3 1 8 4 2 4 1 8 |
Case #1: 6 4 Case #2: 1 7 Case #3: 2 4 |
For Cases #1 and #2, refer to the illustration above. In Case #1, after 1 turn, dancer 6 is to dancer 3's left, and dancer 4 is to dancer 3's right. In Case #2, after 2 turns, dancer 1 is to dancer 4's left, and dancer 7 is to dancer 4's right. Remember that you're looking from the dancer's perspective; it may help to think in terms of clockwise and counterclockwise instead of left and right.
In Case #3, after eight turns, the arrangement looks the same as the initial arrangement, with dancer 2 to dancer 1's left, and dancer 4 to dancer 1's right.
Ursula is a big fan of constructing artificial languages. Today, she is starting to work on a language inspired by real Polynesian languages. The only rules she has established are:
For example, in a language in which a is the only vowel and h is the only consonant, a, aa, aha, aaha, and haha are valid words, whereas h, ahh, ahah, and ahha are not. Note that the rule about consonants disallows ending a word in a consonant as well as following a consonant with another consonant.
If Ursula's new language has C different consonants and V different vowels available to use, then how many different valid words of length L are there in her language? Since the output can be a really big number, we only ask you to output the remainder of dividing the result by the prime 109+7 (1000000007).
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each consists of one line with three integers C, V, and L.
For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y
, where
is the test case number (starting from 1) and y
the number of different valid words of length L in the language, modulo
the prime 109+7 (1000000007).
Time limit: 20 seconds per test set.
Memory limit: 1GB.
T = 15.
C = 1.
V = 1.
1 ≤ L ≤ 15.
1 ≤ T ≤ 100.
1 ≤ C ≤ 50.
1 ≤ V ≤ 50.
1 ≤ L ≤ 15.
1 ≤ T ≤ 100.
1 ≤ C ≤ 50.
1 ≤ V ≤ 50.
1 ≤ L ≤ 500.
Input |
Output |
2 1 1 4 1 2 2 |
Case #1: 5 Case #2: 6 |
In Case #1, suppose that the only vowel is a and the only consonant is h. Then the possible valid words of length 4 are: aaaa, aaha, ahaa, haaa, haha.
In Case #2 (which would not appear in Small dataset 1), suppose that the two vowels are a and e and the only consonant is h. Then the possible valid words of length 2 are: aa, ae, ea, ee, ha, he.
You just bought your young nephew Andrey a complete set of 26 English wooden alphabet letters from A to Z. Because the letters come in a long, linear package, they appear to spell out a 26-letter message.
You use N different passwords to log into your various online accounts, and you are concerned that this message might coincidentally include one or more of them. Can you find any arrangement of the 26 letters, such that no password appears in the message as a continuous substring?
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each consists of one line with an integer N, and then another line with N different strings of uppercase English letters P1, P2, ..., PN, which are the passwords.
For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y
, where
is the test case number (starting from 1) and y
a permutation of the entire uppercase English alphabet that contains no
password as a continuous substring, or the word IMPOSSIBLE
there is no such permutation.
1 ≤ T ≤ 100.
Time limit: 20 seconds per test set.
Memory limit: 1GB.
1 ≤ length of Pi ≤ 26, for all i. (Each password is
between 1 and 26 letters long.)
Pi ≠ Pj for all i ≠ j. (All passwords
are different.)
N = 1.
1 ≤ N ≤ 50.
Input |
For each of the non-IMPOSSIBLE
cases, the sample output shows only
one possible answer. There are many valid answers for these inputs.
Note that only sample cases #1, #2, and #3 would appear in Small dataset 1. Any of the sample cases could appear in Small dataset 2.
With the regular and sale prices all jumbled together, how can you determine which prices are which? For the Small dataset, one approach is to consider all of the possibilities. Since there are only up to 8 prices, you can figure out all the different ways to choose half of them. Then, for each of those sets of half of the prices, you can assert that those prices are the sale prices, determine what the set of corresponding regular prices would be, and check the other half of the prices to see if they match that set. Eventually, you'll find the one set for which this works. This method won't work for the Large dataset, though, since it can have up to 2000 prices, and there may be far too many possible ways to choose half of them.
One possible strategy for the Large is to make deductions about the values. For example, a price of 9 cannot possibly be a regular price, because the sale price would be 6.75, which is not an integer. But sometimes the value alone won't give away what sort of price it is. For example, a 12 could be a regular price corresponding to a sale price of 9, or a sale price corresponding to a regular price of 16. There's no way to know without looking at other prices in the list, and you may need to look at other prices to classify those prices, and so on. It's possible to write code that does this recursively, but it's a headache. Is there a better way?
Let's call the smallest price in the list Pmin. A key observation is that Pmin must be a sale price. (Suppose that Pmin were a regular price. Then the list would also have to include an even smaller 3/4 * Pmin sale version of Pmin... but then Pmin wouldn't be the smallest price in the list anymore!) Then the regular price corresponding to Pmin is just 4/3 * Pmin, and you can find that price in the list. You can then remove both Pmin and 4/3 * Pmin from the list, and add Pmin to your answer. Once you've done that, you can use the same strategy again: the smallest remaining price must be a sale price, and so on, until you've processed the entire list.
The approach above can be implemented in O(N2) if you use
linear search and removal, O(N log N) if you use a balanced tree
structure to search and remove more efficiently (such as C++'s set
or Java's TreeSet
), and O(N) if you use chasing pointers
(keep pointers to the last assigned price of each type, and only move those
pointers forward when searching).
The Small dataset's limits are small enough that you can create an array of dancers and simulate each turn, and then find dancer K and check their neighbors. The circular arrangement of the dancers can make this tricky. You might find the modulo operator useful to avoid special-casing the edges of the array.
In the Large dataset, a 100 million turn simulation with 100 million dancers is unlikely to finish in time, so we need to make some simplifying observations about the dance. At first, the dance might seem intricate, but it follows a very regular pattern. Observe what happens for D = 6, N = 7. (These lists start from the 12:00 position, and go in clockwise order.)
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 1 4 3 6 5
5 4 1 6 3 2
4 5 6 1 2 3
3 6 5 2 1 4
6 3 2 5 4 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 1 4 3 6 5
Some things to notice:
Let's follow dancer 3 through those turns. The left neighbors of dancer 3, after 0, 1, 2... turns, are 2, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6, 2, 4. The right neighbors of dancer 3 are 4, 6, 2, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6. Note that on every turn, the numbers of both neighbors go up by 2 (looping around once the maximum value of 6 is reached), and the right neighbor's number is always 2 larger than the left neighbor's number. This makes sense — odd-numbered dancers are always moving one position to the right as the set of even-numbered dancers moves one position past them to the left, so they successively end up between every pair of even-numbered dancers. The cycle of neighbor numbers repeats every D / 2 turns.
So, for an odd-numbered dancer numbered K out of D, the formulas for the left neighbor L and the right neighbor R after N turns are:
L = ((K - 2 + 2 * N) % D) + 1
R = ((K + 2 * N) % D) + 1
The dancers are numbered from 1 through N, but the modulo operator produces values between 0 and N - 1. The formulas above effectively transform the dancer numbers into that system and then transform it back. Alternatively, you may find it more convenient in your program to subtract 1 from every dancer's number upon reading the data, and then add 1 just before outputting the answer. Whichever strategy you use, it's worth checking a couple examples with dancers with the smallest and largest possible odd numbers.
We leave the very similar corresponding formulas for even-numbered dancers as an exercise.
The approach we've outlined here — writing a brute force Small solution, inspecting the process or output, and deriving some insights that are helpful for the Large dataset — can be very fruitful in Code Jam, as we've mentioned in our essay on Small datasets.
In Small dataset 1, all of the cases have only one consonant and only one vowel
available. One approach is to designate characters like c
for the
consonant and v
for the vowel, then generate all strings of length
L consisting of only c
s and/or v
s. Then, just
find the subset of those strings that follow the "Any consonant in a word must
be immediately followed by a vowel" rule, and find the size of that subset.
That subset can be extended to solve Small dataset 2, in which we can have
multiple consonants and/or vowels. This time, think of c
meaning "any one of the available consonants" and v
as meaning
"any one of the available vowels". Then every valid word in the language
matches exactly one of these templates, and we just have to figure out how
many words match each template. For example, let's consider C = 2,
V = 3, L = 2. Then the possible templates are cv
. For cv
, there are 2 choices for the consonant and
3 choices for the vowel, so there are 2 * 3 = 6 different valid words match
that template. For vv
, there are 3 choices for the first vowel and
3 choices for the second vowel, so there are 3 * 3 = 9 words the match the
second template. So the total number of valid words is 6 + 9 = 15.
What about the Large dataset? For large values of L, there are far too many different templates to generate using the above method.
If you looked carefully at the results for Small dataset 1, you might have noticed a pattern: for L = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7..., the results are 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21... That's exactly the Fibonacci sequence, in which each term in the sequence equals the sum of the two previous terms. Can we frame this problem in a similarly recursive way?
We will lay out one thorough approach to reaching a recursive formula. Consider any valid word of length X in the language. Imagine removing the first letter. Then the remainder must also be a valid word. This is because removing the first letter can't have created a situation in which a consonant isn't followed by a vowel. (If we'd removed the last letter instead, the leftovers might have ended in a consonant!) So any valid word in the language is either a vowel or a consonant, followed by either some other valid word in the language, or the empty word. (That last part is needed to account for valid words of length 1.)
Let's define Wc(X) as the number of valid words of length X starting with a consonant, Wv(X) as the number of valid words of length X starting with a vowel, and W(X) as the total number of valid words of length X. Then we can write:
Wc(X) = C * Wv(X-1)
(For any valid word of length X starting with a consonant, the rest of
the word can be any valid word of length X-1 starting with a vowel.
There are C different consonants that we can choose to put in front of
any of those words.)
Wv(X) = V * W(X-1)
(For any valid word of length X starting with a vowel, the rest of the
word can be any valid word of length X-1. There are V different
vowels that we can choose to put in front of any of those words.)
Substitute the second equation into the first to get:
Wc(X) = C * V * W(X-2)
Finally, W(X) is just Wv(X) plus Wc(X):
W(X) = V * W(X-1) + C * V *
Since this is a recursive definition, we need some base cases:
W(0) = 1
(We must treat the empty word as a valid basis for building additional
W(1) = V
(There are V valid words of length 1, since the word can only be one of
the V different vowels, and not one of the consonants.)
You can turn that last equation and the two base cases directly into code. The biggest potential problem is repeating the same sub-calculations over and over again. One way to avoid that is via memoization, a form of dynamic programming: create a structure to hold the results of individual calculations like W(3). Then, before performing any calculation, check the array to see if you already have that result. If you do, just use that; if you don't, then compute the result and store it in the array.
Alternatively, you can avoid storing so many values by starting from X = 0 and working up to X = L, instead of working backwards from X = L. Since W(X) only depends on W(X-1) and W(X-2), you can compute W(2) using W(1) and W(0), then compute W(3) using W(2) and W(1) (note that we no longer care about W(0) at this point), and so on. This approach only keeps track of three values at a time, whereas the memoization approach requires O(L) memory. (You can use a similar approach to calculate any Fibonacci number using only two variables.)
What about the requirement to provide the remainder modulo 109 + 7? This is a common situation in programming contests. In languages in which you must work with numbers of fixed sizes, you can take the result of every intermediate operation (addition or multiplication) modulo 109 + 7. You may be tempted to use a language like Python that will handle very large numbers, and perform the modulo operation once at the end, but this is not a good idea in general — large numbers in intermediate calculations can slow algorithms down considerably. In this case, we'd go from O(L) to O(L2).
Note that if we have only one vowel and one consonant, as in Small dataset 1, then the last equation reduces to W(X) = W(X-1) + W(X-2). This is exactly the recurrence for the Fibonacci sequence, which explains the results from Small dataset 1.
The solution we have presented requires O(L) operations (i.e., it takes time proportional to L). A better solution can take advantage of the fact that the L-th term of a sequence defined by a recurrence relation like the the definition we outlined above can be calculated by using matrix exponentiation with only O(log L) matrix multiplications. Since in this case the total size of the matrix is bounded, that yields an O(log L) algorithm that solves the problem. We leave the details as an exercise for the reader.
To solve this problem, let's start with some general observations about the passwords:
because that password is guaranteed to appear in any
permutation of the alphabet. (Incidentally, Google Code Jam does not endorse
the use of single-character passwords! An attacker with access to a list of
alphabet letters can quickly try them all.)In Small dataset 1, there's only one password. You might have considered picking a single permutation and hoping that none of the passwords in the test cases happened to be in it. We designed our test cases to thwart that approach: for some letter (say, A), they include a set of fifty test cases BA, CA, ..., ZA, AB, AC, ..., AZ. No matter where the A is in your chosen string, it will be before or after at least one other letter, and is guaranteed to include one of those two-letter passwords, so it will fail at least one case.
One possible approach for Small dataset 1 is to build an alphabet permutation that will definitely not contain each given password:
.Another approach is to produce a set of alphabet permutations of which at least one will not contain the password, and then check all of those until you find one that works. For example, you can generate every possible rotation of the alphabet: ABC...XYZ, BC...XYZA, C...XYZAB, and so on. No string of two or more letters can possibly appear in all 26 of those rotations, so one of them must work. Or, you can check the alphabet and the reversed alphabet — again, no string of two or more letters can appear in both of those.
In Small dataset 2, since there are multiple passwords to contend with, the strategies above won't work. Moreover, there are now sets of passwords for which there is no solution, even if none of the passwords is a single letter. One such set is the tricky set of fifty words mentioned above: BA, CA, ..., ZA, AB, AC, ... , AZ. Just as there was no one password that could pass when those fifty words were used as individual test cases, there is no solution when all of them appear in a single test case. Even when there is a solution, you have to find one of the four hundred septillion permutations of the alphabet that works.
One strategy is to try enumerate all of the impossible scenarios. With some thought, it is possible to prove that they always fall into one of three categories:
We have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which the margins of this webpage are too narrow to contain1.
Even if you can't prove to yourself that these are the only three impossible cases, you can always run a simulation on a smaller scenario (with, say, all sets of 10 bigrams from a six-letter alphabet) to increase your confidence.
So, you can explicitly check for these situations, and if the test case doesn't fall into one of those categories, it's guaranteed that at least one answer exists. Now the problem is to find one! You can use various heuristics to try to increase the probability of finding an answer, but you have a perfectly good computer. Why not try a bunch of random permutations until one works?
It is worth noticing that, if the random procedure does find an answer, it will certainly be correct. So, even if you are unconvinced about your impossible case enumeration, you can always try it. If the program finishes, then the output is guaranteed to be correct. If it does not, it could be that the random procedure is too slow in finding a solution, or that you've missed some impossible case.
Most Code Jam problems are written such that random approaches take a prohibitively long time, if they work at all. However, sometimes you can prove to yourself that a random approach is suitable. Consider a case that isn't impossible, but is very close to one of the impossible ones. For example, this case forces ZA (but not BZA) at the end.
As you can confirm with a simulation, the probability of a random permutation meeting this particular set of conditions turns out to be more than 0.147%. Those might not be great odds for a personal wager, but they're great odds for a computer that can generate and check tens of thousands of alphabet permutations (or more) each second. The odds of finding an answer in 1000 tries are 1 - ((1 - 0.00148)1000), or a little over 77%. If we swap out the 1000 for 10000 to represent 10000 tries, the odds of finding an answer go up to over 99.9999%. But we also need to consider that there are 100 test cases; if we pretend that none of them are IMPOSSIBLE, that drops the overall chance of succeeding to a mere 99.996%.
So, if you can convince yourself that there can't be cases much worse than the one above, you can just run 1000 times — or, if you want even greater certainty and your program is fast enough, 10000 times — until you find an answer.
Once you're convinced that your random procedure will either find a correct answer (with very high probability) or fail, you can even use a set of 10000 runs with no found answer as "proof" (beyond a reasonable doubt, at least) of impossibility — you don't need to explicitly check for the types of impossible cases mentioned above at all.
Randomized approaches like this are useful outside of programming contest problems. Check out the Fermat primality test, which provides one way of checking whether a number is likely to be prime without actually factoring it. Primality tests like that one are commonly used as part of encryption systems that rely on a fresh supply of large prime numbers.
1 We do have a full proof, but we leave it as an exercise for mathematically inclined readers to do themselves.